
Camber Foundation Supports NC Center for Nonprofits’ Center Managed Solutions Program

Camber Foundation Supports NC Center for Nonprofits’ Center Managed Solutions (CMS) Program, Resulting in Capacity Building Opportunities for Five Camber Grant Recipients

One of the challenges facing nonprofits extends beyond what a dollar amount can address. Capacity building entails a nonprofit’s ability to fulfill its mission both in the present moment and in the future and is an investment in its long-term effectiveness. In conversations between Camber Foundation and community leaders in Eastern North Carolina, Camber heard that there is a substantial need for personalized capacity-building opportunities among nonprofits in the region.

Center Managed Solutions Program

Enter the North Carolina Center for Nonprofits’ Center Managed Solutions (CMS) Program. The Center envisions a new, comprehensive approach to solving nonprofit capacity-building challenges. The CMS program is designed to enhance nonprofits’ capacity in key areas, including board governance, program design and evaluation, strategic planning, fundraising, financial management, and human resources. Participants begin with courses through the NonProfit Management Institute and then work alongside a trained coach to guide them in developing a custom plan of action towards achieving greater capacity and long-term sustainability specific to their priorities.


Camber is driven by the very definition of its name, which means a positive, upward curve built into the beam of a bridge, intended to distribute the load. Through this investment, Camber is honored to support this “bridge” between the North Carolina Center for Nonprofits and these five organizations:

Beaufort County Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired (Washington, NC)

Beaufort County Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired is a 42-year-old agency committed to improving the lives of blind and visually challenged individuals via targeted programming for food security, nutrition, adapted housing, eye services, literacy, adaptive technology, and employment.

Casa Azul de Wilson (Wilson, NC)

Casa Azul de Wilson provides a homebase for Wilson’s Latinx families to feel valued so that they may own their power and ascend in their educational, leadership and civic pursuits. It builds community through culturally affirming events, programs and campaigns that allows them to celebrate their complex and diverse identities.

Healing Pines Respite (Chapel Hill, NC)

Healing Pines provides healing for women with cancer through respites, connection, and nature. Offering free one-day and two-day respites, along with community events featuring diverse healing modalities, it endeavors to empower these women to prioritize their healing journey, nurturing their holistic well-being. They are currently serving women in Eastern NC and growing their footprint in the region.

Ripple Effects Group (Rocky Mount, NC)

Ripple Effects is a community collaboration hub, that offers resource counseling, life skills workshops, case management, and other services designed to address holistic wellness. It serves as a city portal for individuals seeking accountability, guidance, and resources. Serving more than 600 people per month, Ripple Effects provides essential services through a unique and unrivaled model of care.​

Suds of Love, Inc. (Lumberton, NC)

Suds of Love strives to increase dignity and hope to those who are unsheltered and underserved. Suds of Love’s “Miss Dorothy” is a truck equipped with three sets of washers/dryers that help provide clean clothing to unhoused community members, as well as a full bathroom with shower facilities and hygiene products. Suds Of Love and its donors have gifted 31 washer/dryer sets schools as another way to help their neighbors.

Meeting a Need

The majority of participating organizations are new or have recently undergone a leadership change, making this particular moment one of immense importance for their growth and sustainability. Flor Herrera-Picasso, Executive Director | Co-Founder of Casa Azul de Wilson, was drawn to participate in the CMS program because of the mentorship it offers.

“Casa Azul de Wilson was formed less than five years ago. As new leaders in our community with no previous nonprofit experience, we want to take advantage of this opportunity. The one-on-one coaching is especially of interest to us because doing this work in rural Eastern NC can be so isolating. The individual support would be super transformative,” Herrera-Picasso said.

“We are offering this opportunity because we recognize the importance of bolstering the region’s critical nonprofits to support their longevity,” said Leslie Ann Jackson, president and CEO, Camber Foundation. “We are committed to investing in them so that they can be present, powerful, and well equipped to serve their communities.”

Click here for more information about Camber Foundation, its impactful grants, opportunities for grantees, and grant application details.

cam·ber | \ ˈkam-bər \ A positive, upward curve built into the beam of a bridge intended to distribute the load.